Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Yes, LinkedIn is a joke

All these years in IT and I’m still waiting to meet one person who actually found a job through this network that supposedly connects employers with professionals. I know they must be out there somewhere, but you’d probably be more likely to discover big foot in your back yard or see aliens flying over the desert before that ever happens. Continue reading...
I also have yet to meet anyone who's found a job on this dumb site. 

Back in 2014 when I learned that resumes are now scanned by an algorithm rather than a person, I hired a resume writer to make my resume algorithm-friendly. Last year I reached out to her again to see if she'd be interested in helping me update it a bit. Instead of answering the two little questions in my email to her, she went and snooped on my StinkedIn profile and proceeded to lecture me to the nth degree in her reply. I had put something like "No recruiters, please" on my page, which is something I'm seeing LOTS of people doing (because, let's face it, recruiters suck), she blasted me with "I am appalled at what I'm seeing on your LinkedIn page" followed by two paragraphs' worth of how important StinkedIn is in finding a job that would make any snake oil salesman proud. That's when I realized this woman doesn't know jack shit about the world in which we live. [Based on some of the other things she said to me, I'm tempted to call this sick woman out publicly here, but her Yelp rating is flawless so I'm not going to be the one lone "weirdo" to complain. I'm just going to be a lot more careful about whom I share my personal details with in the future (I have a weakness where I talk/type too much sometimes --remember, I was born and raised in Pittsburgh, ranked America's friendliest city on more than one occasion -- and I often forget that nobody wants to be your friend these days).]

Had I bothered to reply to her, I'd have said, "Over these past few years, do you know how many recruiters or hiring managers have made the effort to view my profile after receiving my resume? NONE!" And this phenomenon continues through the present day -- I've applied for about a dozen jobs over the past few weeks...I have zero viewers on StinkedIn. Which is a shame, really, as I have four very nice recommendations written by some very high-ranking former clients and co-workers. But, that kind of thing is meaningless today. 

It's nice to see more and more people commenting about the uselessness of StinkedIn these days. This one's from The New York Times (seems pretty accurate to me)...

This one was actually left on Recruiting Daily... 

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