Saturday, July 2, 2016

The uselessness of LinkedIn

Of course, this is just *one* example...

One day back in 2014, I came across this job on StinkedIn. 

Many years ago (when I was still a member of the middle class) I vacationed in Ireland. Excited at the thought of living there but knowing chances of being considered were nearly impossible, I went ahead and hit the “apply” button. After registering in their oh-so-wonderful Taleo system, here’s what I was greeted with…

Hmmmm, this job was posted a mere four hours ago on StinkedIn. Did it get filled in those four hours and the HR rep was in an incredibly productive mood? Or was this job not even posted by a human being, but rather an algorithm? Or did the recruiter just post this fake job just to harvest resumes, and nothing more?

Hmmmm (*again*), there’s a contact button right there on the right…

Let’s see if I can contact this HR guy and see what’s going on. Oh, but lookie what I get after hitting the “send an InMail” button…

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