Sunday, July 31, 2016

Fintechies: Another reason to vomit

It’s sad how badly “60 Minutes” has deteriorated from the show it was when I was a kid. I quit watching when it became obvious it had become just another product endorser (like the episode about Amazon using drones to deliver crap). By accident (my mom was watching on her TV and I happened to be passing through the room), I caught a recent show about how "Brothers Patrick and John Collison quit college because they had an idea for modernizing the financial industry they thought needed a shaking up."

Here's the portion of the script that I caught (and it infuriated me):
Lesley Stahl: And I'm hearing "eliminate jobs," I mean we're talking about hundreds of thousands of jobs in the banking sector, tellers and, you know, financial advisors, you name it. 
Patrick Collison: I think in general technology always sort of makes some jobs less relevant, or perhaps, even obsolete, but I will say that the idea that sort of these people will find nothing else to do seems like it's way too pessimistic on the capabilities of everyone as human beings, right? These--
Lesley Stahl: Have you looked at the employment scene right now?
Patrick Collison: I think it'll take a while to adjust, but when you think about just the creativity of people and what they're capable of and the sort of aspirations and dreams that they have, the idea that they're not capable of anything more than sort of performing these automatable clerical tasks, I don't believe that for a second.
Awwwwww, well, isn’t that special. All of us who will be replaced by robots and algorithms in these optimistic times can live off our creativity and dreams and dance barefoot in the woods without a care in the world! And, since he just doesn’t believe that people will suffer from being displaced, that means it just can’t be true!

Oh, dear, what’s this I see in the comments section...

And here’s an enlightening conversation that occurred on Norm Matloff’s blog. It all began with some prick bragging about how many job offers he gets every day with his whopping 3.5 years of experience...

This prompted a response from another reader...

After some back/forth, the prick came back with this lovely observation: 

Aw, he empathizes with us...but, not really. Because it's our fault. We didn't try hard enough! And he apologizes if his offensive comment offended anybody. Hoo-boy. (Does he really believe the smiley face emoticon lessens the offensiveness of his comment?)

The blog owner replied appropriately...

...and the previous commenter also shared a similar statistic about rejected applications -- this certainly teaches me a lesson, apparently one thousand job rejections is standard these days!

What would the brothers Collison say to this person with 10,000 rejections, or to the one with 1,000 rejections, or to me with my 1,500 rejections? Seriously, I’d really love to lock these two little shits into a room full of “unemployable old farts” like myself and see what happens.

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