Thursday, June 30, 2016

Stay away from Tumblr

Once again, I'd like to begin this post with a few more comments from the Over 50 and Out of Work page left by people who have chosen to be victims and have huge attitude problems.
I am 56 y.o. who had the world in his hands before I lost my job due to downsizing 15 months ago. With 35 years of work experience (with several notable accomplishments) and being college educated,I am about to lose everything that I have worked hard for. My credit score was perfect until four months ago. I have since voluntarily repossessed my automobile and am behind in my mortgage payments. I face foreclosure on 6/1/16. Bank of America dumped my home loan of 15 years to Sentarus Inc and they are relentless in the collection of back payments. I cannot sleep without the aid of sleep medication, I have lost all hope and ambition. Trying to smile is a major task. I feel like a walking zombie. The future looks very bleak for me. I wish all readers here the best. My savings is gone and I have lost hope in the future.  posted April 25, 2016
In May 2013 I lost the job I thought I would retire from. I worked for this company 2 months shy of 10 yrs. A large conglomerate bought us out and ate us up. 90% of the people that had worked there 10 yrs + are now gone...I've been looking for a new job ever since. I'm broke, completely. I can't pay my living expenses and am going to lose my home and have to go live with my 25 year old son. What if I never find another job? I'm smart, I have a great work ethic, I LIKE to work. Why don't interviewers see past my 58 yr old face and body and see the great person I am? I am really good at what I do because I've always loved it. I just don't get it. – posted January 22, 2016
I am a 56 year old unemployed US Veteran at my wits end! I lost my job three years ago as a casualty of the Congressional sequestration in that my employer, a 501c3 that help[s disabled individuals, and relies upon US Air Force contracts for grounds, food service and custodial contracts as well as GSA contracts...I went back to school to work on a second Master’s degree in parallel with a Ph.D. in Information Assurance that was required for a college professorship position that I was offered. Midway through that Ph.D. program then Washington State Governor Gregoire imposed a hiring freeze, thus that opportunity evaporated. After employment terminated I could not afford to finish the classes and am less than a year away from finishing my PHD. The program paralleled with a second Master’s degree (MBA) from Jones International University which I did complete but cannot use nor get transcripts nor degree certificates from as they are out of business...After 37 years of working I drew unemployment. After the waiting period, I received unemployment for seven months until it ended in December 2013. I had seen people get unemployment for years, yet when I need it the program ends in less than a year. I have been able to suspend student loan payments on my $130,000 balance while unemployed, but now I am informed that the limit is 36 months. My student loan payments are now due and no longer “deferrable”. When first unemployed I was selective in applying for jobs, but in the last year I have applied for anything that I could afford to work for. Last November (2015) I applied for 47 jobs! I have had several interviews this year but no job offers. All of my degrees, certifications, my age and having not worked for three years are obvious issues with employers. I see no light on the horizon. The student loan people at NAVIENT tell me the payments are due and that my only option is to apply for an income based program that will encumber my wife with the responsibilities of these debts and attach to her income as well. Her $13 per hour income is all we have to exist upon as it is. – posted March 21, 2016
Position was eliminated 3 months ago at 58 1/2. Prior to this unemployed only 3 months the past 41 years. I am a mid/senior level manager with a solid resume. Only 5 interviews only 1 was.face to face so far. I totally agree there is a bias against older workers. I try to stay positive but it is tough. I am articulate and good at what I do. Unfortunately most all cannot see beyond the “old guy” looking back at them. I truly feel for all of you who are long term unemployed….judging from the comments I have read you are all bright and capable people. I wake up at night and wonder if I’ll ever get another job. Wishing you all the best. – Posted Jan. 6, 2016

It’s happening everywhere. Once you are hitting 40+ your in the firing line. I’m 46 and was a Senior Engineer with a Pharmaceutical Company. Let go last year but can’t even get a job on a construction site. Now painting houses to make ends meat. Jobs for life are a myth. – Posted October 27, 2015
I will be 64 in February, 2016. Was downsized out of a decent paying job in 2010. Took four years, and having to sell my house, my car, almost everything I owned, sold my gold jewelry, plus depleting all of my retirement investments to stay afloat before finding a decent paying job in 2013. That lasted only 7 months before the company went through a big transition and my position disappeared. Am working now as a $12 an hour receptionist after having been a $60k per year executive director. I feel like a walking dead person. The person I was is gone; I have no life, just barely existing day to day. I have cut every expense possible, eat only one meal a day, and I have tried to hold on to a shred of hope, but eventually reality overshadows hope. Like many of you, I come to this page for something to be hopeful for. I am the sole provider for my financial needs. I am terrified and feel trapped with no way out. – Posted July 6, 2015
I have been living a hellish life the past 3 years after being wiped out in the recession between 2010-13. I am about to move into a POS travel trailer on a property for a $500.00 a month work exchange, house/pet sitting, housework etc. From a talented interior designer and home staging assistant to losing it all, work, beautiful home, life savings trying to hang on, to living in a fucking trailer with no AC and working like a domestic slave at almost age 57. If it weren't for my 2 cats I'd be attaching a hose to my tailpipe and drifting off to carbon monoxide. It is NOT going to get better for many of us, only worse. Aging, illness and poverty, what a great finale to this one act play. From a bright, vivacious, highly creative, highly literate, optimistic women to wishing for a heart attack every day. The really sad thing is suicide is such a taboo subject and so you don;t even have anyone you can confide in that would support your choice to be done, and it is a choice based not so much on depression as hard core reality. How much suffering is one supposed to accept before they finally just say "I'm done." – Posted May 19, 2016

I am ready to just end it all. Yesterday I interviewed for a place that tutors children. The place was riddled with 18, 20 somethings. They were gung ho when they saw the resume, however, the usual reply, someone else was more qualified. How could that be, I have tutored and hold a 30 day teaching credential? – Posted May 15, 2016

I completely empathize with everyone here and have read story after story wondering how our country has disintegrated into something as bad as all the movies showing conditions centuries ago when royalty or the wealthy purged and burned villages, stole their belongings and left them to starve if they left them alive at all. I am so sorry for each of you and the heartbreak, loneliness (as our families and younger friends do not understand or don't want to think about it because they could face it soon enough) and anger you all feel...Everything is stacked against us. What is the U.S. going to do with millions of seniors, even young seniors living on the streets? If Trump wins they'll probably dig trenches, line us up and shoot us while telling the world we were lazy users of the system when every one of us wanted to work and to support ourselves. I don't know how we unite when the powers that be have all the money, make all the rules and in this state change them every week to take more and more money and options away from us. At this very moment my stomach is turning and I have tears in my eyes. I have two weeks of my Kickstarter left so have to show a happy face, positive attitude and it's taking every ounce of energy that I no longer have.
Like someone said, it's really hard to not show depression and anger in an every day conversation let alone an interview or new venture promotion. I sit stunned, numb every night wondering how this could be happening to me, an over achiever, worldwide award winner at a major international corporation and top of the sales force at other companies. I feel like you do - I don't belong here!!! The anger alone is destroying me. If I didn't have pets I would move abroad but which country? What would I do there? I know that I have given up on this country. I don't believe in God. God hasn't helped people who needed help far more than I do since the beginning of time. If starving and abused babies and animals get no help from an "all powerful" "all knowing" "all merciful" being why anyone believes has always been beyond me so please no one offer prayers. Taking care of each other like we would want to be taken care of is the only law we need, that good old golden rule and that has been forgotten by this world. I hope the person threatening suicide has not taken that step but I understand him/her if he/she did. 
– Posted May 28, 2016

*Tsk*tsk* so many bad attitudes on display here! And how about that suicide comment, talk about playing the victim! 

Which brings me to yet another post about an experience I had on Tumblr (a continuation from this event), one that finally prompted me to walk away from that cesspool of a site. I thought I’d share it because it offers such a fine example of just how decrepit our society has become.

Ah, yes, it's always the victim's fault in this new America, isn't it? It's a woman's fault she gets raped and a black kid's fault he gets shot fifty times by the cops...But, seriously, some dumb kid on Tumblr is in no position to deem anyone else’s mind as “common” and “simple" (especially when they don't even know how to spell "bosom"). Scanning through the sea of mindless drivel this kid has posted over the past five years, one is hard pressed to find a single intelligent thought anywhere…perhaps the Dr. Phil-style nonsense was a sad attempt to sound intelligent? Oh well, too bad I won’t be around to react/laugh when she finds her “dumb self” officially too old for the workforce.

There was a time when sick fucks were ostracized, cast out and shunned by society. Today, America loves sick fucks. Very disturbing.

I'm now going to close out this topic with some very harsh and disturbing articles about more people with "bad attitudes" who "continue to be a victim." I mean, golly jeepers, what's wrong with people today?

Age discrimination in the workplace starts as early as 35

Too poor to retire and too young to die

Women over 50? Help not wanted