Thursday, June 30, 2016

File under "Disturbing Observation"

In May 2014, shortly after the Target rejection, I decided to pursue a TEFL certificate in the hopes of leaving this country. I spent June through August driving into downtown Shit City aka Boston to take the part-time course. I would enter the 75 State Street garage at 5pm on Mondays and Wednesdays, and what I witnessed each time just made me want to vomit. Nothing but huge honking gas-guzzling suburban assault vehicles -- note how many you can count in the above pic. I’d have the pleasure of almost crashing into them as they exited at the end of their busy productive job-creating days while I cautiously drove down in the opposite direction in my stinky eight-year-old sedan. As with typical underground parking lots, the driving lane is incredibly narrow, and making the U-turn to get to the next level was particularly fun. These fuckers would plow up each level and turn with no regard at all for whether or not someone was coming down in the opposite direction. I could see down to the right whether one of these monstrosities was coming and I’d flicker my lights a bit to warn them…do they give a shit? Fuck, no. They own this lot. And they own this world. I’d laugh when the ignorant fat-headed driver of one of these behemoths almost smashes into me (there is *just* enough room in the U-turn area for two vehicles, if you turn at the wrong angle, watch out) and they proceed to give ME the dirty look.

Just another fine example of what’s going on in this country.

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