Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Farewell, Stinkassachusetts, land of cronyism and incompetence

Twenty years ago, my first design instructor told my class, “When you turn 40, you can forget about working in this field.” It was the following year that a colleague shared with me the observation that I picked a horrible place to attempt to forge my career, stating that Boston is a city of “incompetence and cronyism.” I really hoped I could prove both of these statements wrong. But, after searching for work for nearly three years (and searching for a permanent job for thirteen years), with over one thousand rejected job applications, I am forced to conclude that both statements were 100% accurate.

I have already written about the bad career choice I made in pursuing graphic design. I am now going to share the details of my other major lapse in judgment, which was to attempt to make a life for myself in New England, and Stinkassachusetts in particular. Hopefully, I will convince folks out there to not make the same bad decisions I made, for it is my sincere belief that this place ruined my life.

I grew up near Pittsburgh. It was during a family vacation to Maine in 1982 that I fell in love with quintessential New England – the pretty coastal towns, the history and colonial architecture, etc. Stinkassachusetts also was riding high on the “Massachusetts Miracle” with nearly 0% unemployment, and as I was suffering from a case of PTSD from witnessing the horrible unemployment that befell my hometown when the steel mills closed, moving here only made sense, which I did immediately after graduating college in 1989. As I look back, it’s now clear as day that it was a bad decision from the start.

Almost immediately, I knew something was wrong. With a BS in business administration and a few years of basic office experience from temporary work, the best job I could ever get in those early years was that of secretary; “you have to start at the bottom and work your way up,” I was told by every recruiter and hiring manager. So I took a secretarial job at a bank in Providence followed by another at a hospital in Boston, each time hoping these would have “advancement opportunities,” but neither offered this. Little did I know, once you enter the “female ghetto of administrative work,” you never escape. In 1996, I took a job at Tufts University, again thinking a change of environment would lead to more “stimulating” work. Instead, I was typing my boss’s kids’ homework. I decided that I did not want to do secretarial work for the rest of my life. As I already mentioned, I had foolishly bought into the garbage belief being fed to me by everyone around me that you need to be “happy and fulfilled” in your job, i.e., “do what you love to do!” (what a crock!). So, I made the very foolish decision to return to school for graphic design (Northeastern was offering a part-time evening certificate program).

I now realize this was the second biggest mistake of my life (second to moving to New England). I still vividly recall my first design instructor giving my class that “when you turn 40” comment. Of course, all of us scoffed at that, because none of us are EVER going to turn 40! And, if we do, it’ll be different for us!

While I attended these courses, I still foolishly attempted to find a basic office job, one that offered a bit more than typing somebody’s kids’ homework. In January 1997 I signed on with MGH’s internal temporary pool, thinking that certainly my recent hospital/academic experience combined with my college degree, my computer proficiency (which I observed many office professionals still struggling to achieve) and my typing speed of over 130WPM would certainly lead to better opportunities in such a massive institution (viewing the job bulletin board on any day revealed dozens of administrative openings that I was capable of doing blindfolded). But, over several months of floating around in low-level clerical spots (one job had me doing nothing but shredding all day), the most interviews I could land was two. I shared this observation with more than one person -- how does a woman with direct medical office experience (scheduling, grants/manuscripts, medical terminology), a college degree and a typing speed of over 130WPM not qualify for more than two interviews in a place this massive? Everyone agreed this was insane, but one person said something very harsh that continues to haunt me...

“This is a city full of cronyism and incompetence.”

I did not want to believe that. So instead I concluded this “cronyism and incompetence” factor was isolated to MGH. I walked away from them and decided to concentrate on my “exciting new design career.”

I began to find design-related work over the next two years via temporary agencies. And then I landed my first permanent design job at Brigham & Womens. But that ended six weeks later when the boss called me into her office to tell me my position had been eliminated due to budget cuts and to pack my things and leave. !!!!!!

To say this event shocked me is an understatement (and twenty years later it still infuriates me). Getting laid off was what happened to the steel mill workers of my Rust Belt hometown back in the 1980s. Getting laid off was NOT supposed to happen to us kids of those mill workers who witnessed our local economy collapse and made the effort to “do things differently” and went to college ("and you won't end up like your parents!").

I should have taken this as a warning sign right then and there (oh, hindsight, why are you so bloody perfect), packed my things and moved. But, I’m a loyal (translation: foolish) person. I continued to blame myself for being so professionally unsuccessful. And I did not want to admit that I had just wasted nearly a decade here – I was committed to “making this relationship work.”

Over the next ten years my job situation here really didn’t improve, marked mostly by more temp/contract gigs. I had one brief permanent job but the pay was so low there was no way I’d be able to continue paying my mortgage (which was less than average rent around here), hence I continued to try to “find something better.” Then the “dot com crash” recession in 2003 hit, and I had to take a temporary typing job that paid $12/hour, the same rate I earned as a secretary ten years earlier. But, eventually the design gigs returned – all temp/contract/freelance. And through 2008 I gradually accrued a decent portfolio while I continued to apply for one permanent design job after another, but I rarely ever landed an interview. I kept saying it must be because I still don’t have enough experience. Yeah, that must be it! Meanwhile, an occasional nationwide job search would reveal design jobs everywhere but here – even my hometown had more! I found this baffling; wasn’t this supposed to be a hub of art and culture and technology? Where are the jobs?

In September 2008 I landed a contract gig at Fidelity Investments. I foolishly said to myself, “I’ve finally arrived in this city! Surely this gig will go permanent and I’ll never need to look for work again.” Three years later, I was still a contractor. Sigh. And by December 2011 the project for which I had been hired was winding down; gradually the people I worked with (almost all contractors) were disappearing, so I could see that this job was going to end soon. Since the media was reporting that the recession had “ended” and because I now had significant experience combined with a big-name client, certainly there was no excuse for any company to ignore my job application, right? And, sure enough, one hour after posting my resume on Dice I was bombarded with calls from recruiters. So, I walked away from yet another Boston institution with zero opportunities.

What came next was yet another contract gig working from home with a company based in Texas. It was initially full-time and helped me get through 2012, but by 2013 this had begun to wind down, first to part time, then to barely a few hours each week. Meanwhile, I continued to receive one rejection email after another for every nearly job I applied for (and the few interviews I did get were a complete waste of time). But I now have 16 years of experience...what the hell is going on here? Again, I wouldn’t blame my adopted state but instead blamed it on the recession which clearly had NOT ended. By June 2013, with my savings running low, I made the difficult decision to put aside finding a design job and began applying for every/any job I was capable of performing...administrative assistant, secretary, data entry typist, mail clerk, delivery driver (if I had to pinpoint at what time exactly did I officially “die” inside, this was it)...basically, I was going back in time to the jobs I did when I first moved here 25 years ago. In one eight-week period alone I applied for 150 jobs -- with no response from any. And once again I refused to accept I was just in the wrong state. Things will pick up here soon, they have to!

My contract gig officially ended in October 2013. This was followed by a humiliating experience as an entry-level temporary data entry job at Sallie Mae for a whopping $14/hour, one dollar more than what I had earned twenty years earlier. For this awesome "opportunity" they not only made me take a drug test, but they demanded my TAX RETURNS from the previous year! Since when do companies have the right to demand such invasive personal (and IRRELEVANT) information from a potential -- and temporary -- employee?

I’d like to cut right here for a minute to talk about hourly wages. My very first job was in the summer of 1986. I had just completed my first year of college and had no work experience. I signed up with a temp agency in downtown Pittsburgh who found me work as a typist the very next day. My hourly rate was $5/hour -- higher than the minimum wage at the time. Adjusted for inflation, today that translates to $10.85. Recall that, in 1992, with college complete and a few years of work experience, I landed that medical secretary job -- that paid $12/hour; adjusted for inflation, today that equals $20.35.

That awesome $14/hour gig ended in January 2014 (I'd also like to share that they made us show up for work on NEW YEAR'S DAY...what warm memories I will retain of that holiday season!). I’ve been unemployed ever since (and because I’ve been a contract/temporary worker all these years I have never been able to collect unemployment). My lowest point was back in March 2014 when I applied for a minimum wage shelf stocker job at Target in Plainville. I landed an interview because I did not provide any work history. The interview I had with the twenty-year-old girl was downright laughable, and I got the rejection email almost immediately.

This job paid minimum wage of $8/hour – in other words, a salary closer to what I earned in 1986.

The final *final* straw came a month later when I saw “the perfect job” posted by a company called Simplivity in Westborough. I spent half an hour crafting my cover letter (making sure it had every relevant keyword) and applied via their Jobvite application. This was a Tuesday night at 9:00. At 10:00 am the next morning I received the rejection email. After getting over the shock, I checked two things: the tracking stats for my online portfolio, and my LinkedIn page; I had provided both of these links in my cover letter – when you’re hiring a designer, reviewing their portfolio is more important than the resume; my LinkedIn page was also relevant here as it has some nice recommendations written about my skills. Well, neither my portfolio nor my LinkedIn page had A SINGLE VISITOR. Further proof that this state is *sick* as are the companies within it, the job reappeared three months later...then again in August...then again in early September...and again on September 22...and then again one week later. It then reappeared throughout 2015.

It was time for me to accept the reality of my situation; I was in a sick abusive relationship, and I had to get out. So I immediately began applying for jobs nationwide. But, unfortunately, just like a battered wife who realizes she’s not young or attractive anymore and who’s learned to limp from broken bones that were never attended to properly, I am now left with a huge gap on my resume, and whilst there are so many professional roles for which I’d be a great fit, roles to where my skills would easily transfer and be a great asset, it is that gap combined with my massive old age of 47 that have rendered me permanently unemployable in 21st century America.

I put my condo on the market in June 2014 and began to prepare to move into my mom’s basement in neighboring Rhode Island (sadly, she had sold our home in Pittsburgh and moved to RI to be close to me, unaware of just how bad things were going to get here). I then spent the summer giving away all my lifelong accumulated possessions for free on Craigslist (because nobody wants to pay for anything today). My condo sold almost immediately and in October I moved into my mom’s basement in RI.

And, with that, my sad relationship with Stinkassachusetts came to an end.

I find myself reflecting on the many, many bad experiences I’ve had here these past 20 years, and only now do I realize just how fucking horrible this place has been to me. I laugh at just how foolish I really was for “trying to make this relationship work.”

For example, I remember applying for a simple PPT production job back in 1998. I was invited for an interview -- I don’t recall the company name but I do remember the hiring manager's name was Amanda. After acing the “test” (she shared that I was the only one who had!) we chatted and hit it off well so she brought me back to meet “the team.” I tried to be friendly, making a Simpsons joke (“Amanda Hugandkiss”), and foolishly thought I’d get an offer. I was shocked and devastated to see the job reappear in the Boston Globe help wanted section the very next day. I emailed the HR rep asking what happened, and his response was “I'm not sure but I heard it was something about lack of chemistry.” The only thing that I could think of was I was wearing a very nice dress from Neiman Marcus (of course, I got it from Filene’s Basement for $50, but they didn’t know that), while they were wearing Birkenstocks and sweatshirts. Yeah, lack of chemistry.

And there were so many times I attempted to forge professional relationships (you know, "network") with companies and hiring managers via those many temp gigs I took on through The Creative Group and Professional Staffing Group. There was a gig in early 2000 with Analog Devices, mostly PageMaker layout work but also doing technical illustrations. I did the job, did it well, had the assignment extended many times and got plenty of positive feedback from TCG telling me to “keep doing a great job!” Then one day the work dried up, and I’m guessing these bozos didn’t have the guts to tell TCG they just didn’t need me anymore…end of day Friday I come home to a message on my machine from TCG telling me not to go in on Monday. Spoke to my rep who says they were accusing me of “lots of eye rolling and bad attitude.” Fifteen years later this one still blows my mind. I certainly hope karma is kicking every one of these clowns in the ass, not one of whom ever cracked a single smile during my time there.

I remember when PSG placed me with Cramer Productions back in 2003 (my first return to design gigs following the typing stint). My work was so good they extended the job for several months; my designs were even posted on their "spotlight" wall. But, it led to nothing – no permanent offer, no long-term relationship. And imagine how hurt and angry I was to see them advertise the same job a few months later (and my PSG recruiter could not get a reason why they wouldn't bring me back). Since that time, I still see them advertising the same job, and I would still foolishly apply, and I'd still be deemed unworthy of an interview.

I then landed the role of designing Staples’ corporate PPT template, also in 2003, again thru PSG. They were totally blown away by my work. Did it lead to anything? Nope. 

Ditto for Aramark. After blowing them away with an initial template design, they engaged with me for a few months, and then they disappeared. I continued to apply for design jobs with them, as recently as December 2015. No luck.

There was the time PSG sent me to Cambridge Systematics for a brief PPT gig…well, I hurt their wittle feewings by sharing my observations that their PPT designs sucked (seriously, they were still using clipart, ferchrissake). That first day ended with a call from PSG telling me the client doesn’t want me back.

And I remember shortly after completing that Cramer gig that PSG called me with a gig at some dinky company called the Parthenon Group, saying I had to take a PPT test first, then they’d “think about” whether they wanted me. I spent three hours at this company taking their little test while I observed the office floozies in the background chit-chatting the entire time, something about one of them was getting married and they wanted to have a buffet but her mom didn’t approve but oh mom people can mingle it’ll be fun and we’re going on a honeymoon cruise to Greece -- didn’t see anyone perform a single ounce of work. Oh, and I didn’t get the gig because one of said floozies remembered me from a temp gig at another company and she “didn’t like me.”

You know what, I don’t like you, either. I don’t like any of you rotten people in this miserable horrible unfriendly state.

I could go on and on.

So, good-riddance, Stinkassachusetts. I wasted the best years of my life on you and will remain forever baffled by why you hated me so much from the start. Not once did you provide me with a single decent opportunity, not once did you make me feel welcome here no matter how much I defended you to those who said your inhabitants were rude and unfriendly or that you were rampant with “cronyism and incompetence.” I am now done with being told that I am worthless -- for a good while I actually believed that -- and I will now spend the rest of my life completely wiping you from my memory while trying to reclaim my confidence and self-respect. Going forward in this world, when people ask me where I hail from, I’ll say Pittsburgh, PA (and nothing more). I just hope it’s not too late and I will get the chance to enjoy just one successful career before I die. (I can already look forward to dying alone and childless courtesy of your equally horrid dating scene.*) And wherever this path leads me, I will make it my mission to warn every college-bound kid I meet along the way to avoid two things like the Ebola virus: the field of graphic design, and the state of Stinkassachusetts.

 *Be sure to check out “House Hunters,” s38e10, “Change of Scenery to Chicago,” in which a single middle-aged Boston woman gets fed up with the horrible Boston dating scene. The last scene of the show has her saying, “The dating scene in Chicago definitely blows Boston out of the water.  Over the last four months, I've been out on several dates with seven different guys.  And compared to Boston, I did two dates in two years, so it's definitely a step in the right direction.”

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