Thursday, June 30, 2016

CBT Architects / Childs Bertman Tseckares

This job appeared one day back in 2014 and, like so many job descriptions, made me laugh. Why? Well, let’s take a look…

So, to recap, they want the candidate to have: 
  • Strong conceptual skills
  • A strong portfolio of work
  • Strong professional service and effective time management and be cost consciousness

All these traits are typically acquired over years of experience, especially that last one – you do NOT learn “professional service” from taking a college course!!!

And, what’s this…they want 3D modeling/rendering/motion? Hey, maybe I should apply for this job, I thought to myself at the time, because I’ve been using Cinema 4D for thirteen years.
  • 0-3 years experience

I'm sure CBT of Boston had no problem finding their junior/intern-level designer with boatloads of professional experience (remember, Boston is a city rife with cronyism and incompetence, this is certainly a fine example of the latter). While I doubt the inept kid they hired knows anything about kicking off a client meeting or completing a creative brief, I have no doubt they got him dirt cheap. And, isn't that all that matters today?

EDIT, 04/28/17: They have been advertising a graphic design manager position for nine months. I have documented this in a separate post. D'OH D'OH D'OH...

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