Thursday, June 30, 2016

Insanity at its finest

Throughout 2013 this insanity would happen on a weekly basis…I’d get an email from some recruiter (usually in India) about “a fantastic contract opportunity”…I’d call them, give them all my personal details (resume, salary reqs, etc.), let them submit me for the job, and then never hear from them again. Meanwhile, I’d receive several more emails from other recruiters about the exact same job…and then I’d see the damn job appear umpteen times on Indeed (see pic above)…which always made me wonder just what the fuck was the point of contacting me directly if you’re still going to advertise the job and get bombarded with applications? Isn’t the point of reaching out to someone in your database to avoid this mess? Oh, there’s the old me from 25 years ago talking common sense again…we all know where common sense fits in today’s world.

This phenomenon has somewhat dissipated, although it does reappear on occasion, like in July 2015, with Siemens. Read what I learned about what's going on here.

I keep wondering, if we had the internet 27 years ago when I first entered the workforce, would this insanity be happening…in other words, was it the internet that made hiring professionals stupid, or do stupid hiring professionals just not know how to use the internet to their advantage? Thoughts for the day…

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