Sunday, July 23, 2017

Thoughts on "gaps in employment"

Some time back in 2015, I stumbled across an epically awesome comment left in a StinkedIn article from an unemployed engineer (from what I recall, he was a structural engineer in his 40s). I failed to nab a screenshot, so I'm going to try my best to reconstruct it here. It quite nicely conveys what I think of insensitive/clueless HR twats and hiring managers who demand to know every facet of our lives today...
I'm not certain where prospective employers get off. If a person takes six months off from working because they have savings in the bank and simply want to take six months off, then that’s all there is to it, and no they don’t have to be "learning something job related" or anything else. If they climbed rocks then that’s what they did. If they learned to play chess or a whole new programming language, then that’s what they did. If you’re not on my birth certificate, marriage certificate, or in my will AND you don’t pay my salary then I don’t have a responsibility to "account" to you for anything. I have two things to do in this life. Live my life, and die. Everything else is an opt-in and if you’re seriously more concerned with hearing explanations about six months that weren’t job related than 20 years that were, then validate parking and I’ll be on my way.

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