Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Fake job alert: PTC

PTC is another stinky Stinkassachusetts company that loves to advertise the same design jobs over and over. For example, here's the senior graphic designer job they advertised in January 2018:

As always, I met every qualification (including the "preferred" Cinema 4D qualification). Here's what my score was when I ran a keyword analysis on Jobscan:

Naturally, they ignored my application (and nobody from any PTC IP address visited my portfolio).  One month later, they advertised on StinkedIn for an art director. Note the nearly identical job description:

And, here we are again in March, same job, slightly different title...

EDIT, 02/23/2019: One year later, and the scam continues. I see they've garnered 74 applicants (note that StinkedIn kindly added back the # of applicants stat, albeit only on the "preview" window), I wonder how many are the same idiots who previously applied for this fake job...

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