Sunday, December 24, 2017

Fake job alert: State Street

In August 2017 State Street advertised for a designer with Cinema 4D experience. I applied online and their "talent acquisition" department contacted me for a telephone screening, which was held on Friday, September 8. As with most telephone screenings these days, the woman on the other end of the line sounded half-asleep as she asked me the routine checklist questions like "what are your salary requirements." The call ended with her saying she would forward my application to the hiring manager. I told her to be sure they view my StinkedIn profile as one of my colleagues is a vice president at State Street, and she wrote a very nice recommendation for me. I also told her to be certain they have the login credentials to view my portfolio on my website (which I password-protect), as reviewing a designer’s portfolio is crucial when evaluating a designer’s candidacy. 

On Monday, at 4pm, I received her rejection email. 

I checked StinkedIn…NO profile view notifications. I checked my website…NO visitors. 

I emailed her via the intermediary who coordinated our call, asking what was the criteria she used to disqualify me, as it appears that nothing significant from my background was evaluated. Of course, I received no reply from her.

I sent a letter to their CEO where I accused them of using me to check off the EEO compliance box. 
Logic would dictate that if I was so massively unqualified for this position then they should never have wasted my time with the phone screening in the first place. A few weeks later, I got a voicemail and an email from another “talent acquisition vice president” saying she wanted to discuss the position with me. I emailed back saying they rejected me for this role, so what’s there left to discuss? She replied, “You expressed dissatisfaction with the process and I’d like to discuss this with you.” Ah, yes, of course, the issue is entirely on my end for being dissatisfied, shame on me. I replied back that I have no desire to talk to her. 

Ya know, if I wanted to deal any further with some lame-brained "talent acquisition" lackey who couldn't change a light bulb without the assistance of an algorithm, I would have written to "talent acquisition." I didn't. I wrote to the CEO. How sad that this CEO doesn't think it's his job to care about the rot that exists in his company.

Even sadder, as of February 27, 2018, the job remains advertised.

EDIT, 07/01/18: They began re-advertising the job on June 29. Ya just gotta laugh at the "All resumes must be accompanied by portfolio and/or website link" bit, when we all know that nobody from State Street will ever bother to look at a portfolio...

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