Sunday, August 6, 2017

Amazon warehouse jobs: Hype vs. reality

We've all seen the bombardment of advertisements for Amazon lately, proclaiming that "most jobs are full-time with benefits!" 

I volunteer teach an ESL class one day a week at a local library. Recently, the woman in charge of the program was telling me about her brother who recently moved into her home as he's hit hard times. His story resembles that of so many others -- unemployed and over 50, hence, nobody wants to hire him. Amazon has a warehouse nearby where they claimed to be hiring, so he applied online. They scheduled him for an interview and then sent him a bunch of paperwork to complete in preparation for said interview. Well, quite a few of the questions required that he reveal his age (date of birth, social security #). After submitting the completed paperwork back to them, they CANCELED his interview and sent him a rejection letter.

A few weeks later when Amazon held one of their "bigly awesome" walk-in hiring events at the same location, he decided to drop by and ask them WTF. Well, they caved, gave him the required drug test (which he passed), and hired him.

Part-time, NO benefits, third shift.

Let's never forget, folks, these are desperation jobs. The promise by Amazon of "growth and development" is pure bullshit -- growth and development out of what? Picking out boxes to ship junk to rich fucks for a salary out of 1992? What fabulous career will that to lead to in the long run? How exactly do you grow professionally cooped up in a warehouse doing the same menial mindless repetitive crap over and over? The only growth I'm seeing with this kind of "opportunity" is to grow angry and bitter at what this country has become.

There is no putting lipstick on any of the pigs in this sty of "opportunities."

See third and last paragraphs in this comment from a story about Amazon in The New York Times...

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