Monday, October 31, 2016

Further evidence that Boston is a true shithole full of lowlifes

As if we even needed any further evidence of that:
Former HubSpot chief marketing officer Mike Volpe was hired by cybersecurity software firm Cybereason for the same role. In July 2015,Volpe was fired by HubSpot, which sells marketing software, in connection with attempts to get a hold of a draft manuscript of a book about the company, Dan Lyons’s “Disrupted: My Misadventure in the Start-Up Bubble.”
Continuing from the BostInno link at the end of the paragraph:
Volpe's firing prompted a federal criminal investigation that eventually closed with no charges being filed, according to The Boston Globe. FBI records, which did not identify anyone, later revealed that there were allegations about "multiple failed attempts to manipulate and extort people." The FBI report also mentioned "tactics such as email hacking and extortion."
But despite Volpe's firing, many in Boston startup's community have rallied around Volpe. In the year since he was fired, Volpe has become an advisor and investor for other startups, including one founded by a former Kayak employee called Drafted. He recently started an angel investment group called Operator.VC with Yoav Shapira, a fellow former HubSpot employee who now works at Facebook's Cambridge office. He also ran a well-attended event in June called Growth Camp. 

My LinkedIn network remains full of poor schmucks who have been rendered to the "unemployable" category for the mere crime of turning "too old" (still unsure where that age it 35 now?). Not only do we have the age factor held against us, but we are judged by hiring managers on everything from a one-month resume gap to "why did you leave your last job?" Try saying "I was fired" like this Volpe dude was and see where that gets ya.

This guy wins Sleaze of the Year Award, but his career remains unscathed.

Got that, folks? In Boston, it doesn’t matter how sleazy you are. Just fall under the “young entrepreneur” label and you can get away with anything, and everyone will keep kissing your ass. (That anybody would trust their cybersecurity, of all things, to this guy is further evidence that this world has gone mad.)

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