Friday, September 23, 2016

ManTech and the Department of Defense

I first came across this third-shift design this third-shift design job jbeing advertised by some dinky staffing company called ManTech back in February (it was actually posted in January). I never bothered applying despite being fully qualified because I did not have the required security clearance. When I saw this job was still being advertised the other day (it's now September, seven months later), I sent them an email asking if they are still trying to fill this position, adding, “I am a graphic designer experienced in 3D modeling/animation (Cinema 4D), however, I do not have the required security clearance.” 

I received the following reply: "Thank you for your interest in ManTech International Corporation. Job requisition 81836BR is still available - you can apply for this position at: Once you have applied, let me know and I will send your status request to the recruiter."

Okay, so she's not concerned that I don't have the security clearance. Perhaps they’ve finally realized they can’t be too picky here and will work on getting security clearance for the candidate after they’re hired, which is completely doable. I went to the application page, which asked me to check what security level I currently hold. I said “none” and received the following message on my screen: "Thank you for your interest in ManTech's position 81836BR: Senior Graphics Designer (3D Animation). Your answer indicates you do not hold the necessary clearance required for consideration for this position.The End.

I relayed this back to the clown at ManTech -- does this idiot not know how to read? why did she tell me to go ahead and apply when I clearly stated I didn't have the security clearance? -- who replied, “Thank you for the follow up.  When a job requisition states clearance level - we must hire someone with an active clearance at the level identified.  We hope that you will continue to review our job opportunities and thank you again for your interest in ManTech.

My final response: “A job opening that remains unfilled for a whopping seven months is not a real job opening...I think I'll look elsewhere.

I was tempted to contact the Department of Defense who supposedly is the end client for this gig, but failed to find a single contact page or link. Is our own DoD guilty of stupidity here? After nine months they still can’t find a designer with 3D modeling skills (not every graphic designer knows 3D) who is willing and eager to work the midnight shift AND has top security clearance. I mean, c’mon, how many people are out there who meet these requirements?

I really really want to believe that our DoD cannot possibly be this incompetent, so I’m going to conclude the job is, like every other “job” listed by these clown staffing agencies, completely FAKE.

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