Sunday, August 21, 2016

Dan Lyons: From hero to clueless in 160 days

I’ve already mentioned “Disrupted” here previously. Finally, I exclaimed when this book came out last April, someone speaks out on behalf of us “old farts” being kicked out of the job market! We finally have a spokesman to champion our cause…okay, I know there is no hope that one guy is going to cause any significant change in today’s fucktarded hiring practices, but it was nice to see a little attention given to the issue.

Imagine how disappointed I was to read his article in Boston Magazine saying that things are getting better.

Dude, are you fucking serious? You think you have single-handedly fixed everything with your book, and now everything’s just fine and dandy based on the fact that YOU are no longer struggling to find a job? Newsflash: NOTHING has changed here. Things are just as bad as ever. I’m even noticing that the age discrimination is getting even MORE blatant than before. For example...

Companies now routinely incorporate pictures of their under-40 workforces all across their websites, like this one (DraftKings)

Forget over 40, is there anyone over 30 here?

Next, we've got Formlabs who’s been advertising this same dumb design job since December 2014. I applied, and heard nothing. Gee, I wonder why. Note the hammock in this image which used to be on their Ventirefizz page…a hammock, ferfuckssake!!!

Here’s an ad for a graphic designer with Perkins+Will, who blatantly demands the candidate not be over the age of 23 with the “1-2 years’ experience” requirement. 

Finally, there was this gem of a headline that appeared in my news feed just the other day: Legendary Apple Engineer Gets Rejected For Genius Bar Job

No, Mr. Lyons, nothing’s getting better. And, that you’re using EMC as your example of companies behaving better is just laughable -- here’s my experience with EMC back in early 2015 (I am positive that the hiring manager’s lack of enthusiasm in offering me the job boiled down to the fact that I’m *old*).

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